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How to Get the Most From a Reading with a Clairvoyant Medium

A good reading depends on the strength of the connection the clairvoyant medium or psychic can establish with you and of course on the skill of the reader. You are an active participant in this connection and can either block it or strengthen it. Here are a few tips on how to ensure your reading is an experience to remember:

Before the Reading

Ensure that you are comfortable with the reader

You should always select the right reader for you. Understand the different types of readers — for example, aura readers, psychics/clairvoyants, mediums, tarot readers, crystal ball readers, and palmists. Not all psychics are mediums, for example. Readers use different tools, styles and approaches, and no two readers or readings are ever the same.

It’s important that you intuitively feel positive about the reader you go to see. If you are skeptical about the reader or have doubts about the reader, this negativity can interfere with the flow of energies between you and the reader. This will affect the reading. By contrast, if you feel drawn to go and see a particular reader, the reader will almost certainly be the correct channel for you.

Have a real need for a reading

If you are facing a challenging decision or have a strong need for spiritual guidance about an issue you face or you want to connect with a departed loved one to help you move forward, the energies, messages and guidance are likely to come through in a powerful way during your session. Spirit will provide you with a lot of reassurance, guidance and answers when it’s needed.

If you rely too heavily on psychic readings and see a different clairvoyant medium every other week, you may find that spirit don’t have that much too say on a particular occasion. It’s best to leave a bit of time between readings unless you are undergoing a period of intense change and transformation.

Know what you want out of the reading

It’s important that you know what questions you want answered. If these are clear in your mind, the reader is likely to answer your questions quite quickly or easily — often before you have even asked them. Although the reader is likely to do most of the talking during the session, you should be prepared to ask questions.

If you want to get the most out of your time slot with the reader, it’s a good idea to have a list of questions. You may want to know more about a romantic relationship, your relationship with your children, relatives, career, finances, a house or country move, and health.

Go with an open-mind

Although you may have a clear idea about what you want to get out of the reading, you should also go with an open mind. The insight, messages and communication that come through will be what you need to hear but the messages may not be what you want to hear or what you are ready to hear.

It is important to remember that mediums cannot always choose who they speak to in the spirit world. You may want to speak to your granddad, but it may be your grandmother or a spirit guide, an Archangel or even a departed spirit you don’t recognize who decides to come forward to deliver a message to you.

Sometimes departed loved ones do not want to step forward at a particular time. They may not have a message for you right now or there may be a particular reason they are holding back. Often the reader can give you an indication of why a particular person has little or nothing to say.

On the other hand, where there is a genuine need, a departed loved one may communicate strongly through the medium for most or all of the session. Remember though if your uncle Jimmy didn’t say much in life, he won’t have much to say from the other side either. He may only say a few words but they may be the words that matter most.

During the Reading

Don’t worry

A good clairvoyant medium will explain how he/she works at the start of the session and give you the opportunity to ask questions about the process or to talk about any worries you may have. If you have any questions or concerns, ask the reader at the start of the reading.

Some people may worry that the clairvoyant medium may tell them something scary. I find that the messages from spirit are there to assist you on your path. As a result, at the end of a reading, you are likely to feel reassured, more at peace and clearer as to what you need to do next in order to live the life you want.

Be relaxed

Most readers will ensure that they conduct their readings in a relaxed setting. It is important that both the reader and the sitter are relaxed and comfortable because any negative energy can interfere with the flow of energy between you and the reader.

Most people are most comfortable having a private face-to-face or phone/Skype reading on their own. They feel they can honestly ask personal questions, release grief and feel safe enough to allow the clairvoyant access to read their energy field. They feel relaxed in a confidential environment.

Sometimes people coming to a reading together are not as relaxed because they fear that their friend may learn or overhear details that are very personal. This can have an impact on your experience. If you come to a reading with a friend or relative, even if your friend is in the room next door, it’s important that you feel completely comfortable about the presence of your friend nearby.

If you have booked a crossing-over session and know that this is likely to be very emotional for you, consider bringing a friend or family member along for emotional support and reassurance. They can either sit with you or wait for you nearby.

Be realistic

Clairvoyant mediums are channels for information and will convey the information they receive. Their guides might tell them a great deal about a particular situation or person — often in great detail — but this doesn’t mean that they know everything. For example, the medium may know that your aunty Alice smoked, wore floral prints, and hated her husband, but the medium probably won’t know what you ate for breakfast that morning or that you are going to be five minutes late for your appointment.

Also, departed loved ones and guides don’t tend to like it when people don’t trust their existence. For example, if you ask the psychic if she can tell you what you have tattooed on your back, the clairvoyant’s guides probably won’t provide this answer because it’s information that is not going to help you on your life’s path. If you try to test or disrespect the spiritual realm, they tend to feel the vibe and often do not to want to communicate.

Departed loved ones and spirit tend to confirm their existence in ways you least expect; it works best if you are realistic, respect the power of spirit and are open to the unexpected.

Be honest

Avoid trying to deliberately mislead the reader by providing false information or telling the reader that something is not true when it is. Sometimes skeptics do this because they think that, if the psychic is genuine, he/she would pick up false information. Doing this simply wastes your own time and money because it will only confuse the messages coming through, making it harder for the psychic to interpret the information. It will block the flow of energy and take much longer for you to get the answers you seek.

For example, if the clairvoyant medium connects with your departed husband, he may provide some names of people, who he wants to talk more about. If the medium keeps picking up Steve and keeps asking if you know a Steve and you say, “No”, the flow of energy and information will not continue about Steve. However, if at the end of the reading, it turns out that Steve is your ex-husband and the father of your daughter, you’ve lost the opportunity to hear an important message from spirit about Steve.

If the reader picks up some sort of medical procedure being performed in your abdomen recently, and you have recently had a miscarriage, you should confirm that this makes sense to you. If you do, more information will probably flow about that and you will probably receive an important message about having children. If you say, “No, I have no idea what you are talking about,” but later in the reading mention that you have had several miscarriages in recent months, the reader will be puzzled as to why you are saying conflicting things.

Keep the energy flowing

A good clairvoyant medium will do most of the talking during the session and you should avoid feeding the medium with information. You should act naturally. It's best if your feet are flat on the ground and your hands are positioned naturally on the table and that your arms are not crossed. The energy needs to flow between the sitter and the reader. This intensifies the energy and what the reader will see through clairvoyance and mental mediumship, and what she will hear through clairaudience.

Being stone-faced and not acknowledging anything she says serves to block the flow of energy. What you should do though is to confirm if information makes sense by responding with a “A nod, a yes or feedback about the information.” For example, if the reader is drawn to a heavy feeling across your lower abdomen, you could say, “Yes, that makes sense to me,” or “Yes, I had a C-section last month.” If something doesn’t make sense to you, let the reader know so that he/she can ask spirit for more clarity.

In another example, the reader may say, “I feel that you are depressed right now because you feel you aren’t making any progress in your career. You are not getting the results you want in this location. Spirit is telling me that you will need to move to London to take up an opportunity there. I see you travelling to London within a few weeks. I see a job in a creative field, such as graphic design, near London Waterloo station. I see that this will be a good choice for you. You will be successful in this job, even though you have concerns about leaving friends and family behind. I’m being told that your mum will be fine. ”

You may reply with a simple nod or a smile, or say, “Yes, that is all spot on.” You may choose to acknowledge the reader’s information by saying, “Yes, I have struggled to find work here for several months and have started looking for work in London, but my mum does not want me to go. It’s good to hear I’ll find a job sooner rather than later.”

After the Reading

Reflect on the contents of the reading

Take time to absorb and think about the insights and messages that emerged during the reading. Make decisions or take action steps if necessary. You may also need to give yourself some time to put new plans in place. Be patient and remember that change can be a process and life is a journey. Enjoy the ride.

Provide feedback

If you want to let the reader know how events in your life turned out or how things came to pass, get in touch. I always like to hear from my clients and I enjoy hearing how their relationships or plans worked out. Some information that comes through in a reading may only make sense to you at a future date. I always find it enlightening to know why a particular piece of information turned out to be important.

If you want to share your experience with others or comment on your reading, please post your feedback here or get in touch via my contact form to book a reading.

Wishing you love and light xxx

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