Life Review: Make the Most of Your Path

The start of each year or a new moon presents a fantastic opportunity to review our lives, appreciate our strengths and blessings, identify what needs to change, and establish or revise our goals for the future.
A good reading should answer your key questions and you should leave the reading knowing what you are going to do next. A reading can also enable you to take inventory of many areas of your life, your approach and patterns that may affect your path.
It takes a lot of courage to honestly look at your life and reflect on the choices or events of the past or the options open to you now or in the near future. I find that my clients are very open to reflecting on their lives but are generally quiet hard on themselves. It’s likely that you do a lot of inner reflection but may not give yourself enough credit for how well you’re doing, what you have learnt or how much progress you have made.
For example, if you struggle to set boundaries and are extremely giving, you may criticize yourself for this. But it’s important to acknowledge the value of being giving, and appreciate how well you have done in becoming more effective at establishing limits. Even if you feel that you have more work to do, appreciate the good work that you have done so far. This will propel you forward in positive ways.
If you have had a traumatic experience in the past, this may show up in a reading. If the past is still affecting your energy and holding you back from achieving your potential or living the life you want, a reading should give you pointers on how best to release the effects of the past, heal your energy, remove blocks or release your pain or grief.
If life has not turned out how you expected, you can use your experience to learn and grow as an individual. A look at the energies of events, relationships and situations enables us to decide to make new choices or take a different approach. A reading can reveal life or thinking patterns or likely events on the horizon. If we don’t like these patterns or where we appear to be heading, we can make changes to improve the outcome. The future is not cast in stone. While certain events may be destined to occur, we are masters of our own destiny.
You may worry that a clairvoyant medium will tell you that something bad is about to occur. Although I’m a direct reader, I’m also a positive reader. I remind my clients that I do tell them what I see and what I feel is likely to happen, but I also tell them what else they can do to achieve a different outcome or make the most of their lives.
Often we can make changes to achieve a different outcome in our lives. However, sometimes it’s not possible to do so — for example, in terminal illness or a relationship breakdown. However, it is always possible for us to manage how we react to or handle a situation. This can enable us to make the most of circumstances, even difficult ones.
Although a reading can focus on one key issue, most readings provide information and insight into many areas of our lives. As a result, before a reading, it is a good idea to be clear in your mind about why you want a reading. At the same time, it's important to be open to unexpected possibilities and insights. A reading can give you a lot to think about and help you take your life in the most positive direction possible. On that note, I’d like to wish you health, happiness and prosperity in 2016.